Hello World! (Couldn't resist..) So, this is actually my 2nd attempt of blogging! The first round found a rather premature end, due to my untamed perfectionism, combined with a slight disconnect between me, my topics and what I was trying to achieve, leading into a staged, unnatural and potentially "boring" end product, resembling a mix of culinary recipes meet random encyclopedia, and ended in neglect.
I guess when it takes you weeks to think about a potential new post, something went wrong..
This time I decided to get REAL and write about what I (and hopefully some of you!) actually care about. :-) Especially as life provides us with enough food-for-thought-outpour, and lately I felt more than ever the urge to share - thoughts, ideas, frustrations, favorite things in the world and the everyday moments that make me laugh, love or drive me nuts!
Like those little treasured moments, when you find yourself in bed at 3 am, engaged in a fierce argument with your French husband over whether the Germans or the French produce the better bread! (Me:"You French already have the Cheese and the Wine, and for the record, French bread is a one-trick-pony compared to Germany's bread tradition!!!" He:"German Baguette & Croissants - are you kidding me?" Me: You don't get the point..!") And by the way, imagine that, in this low-carb-anti-histamin-gluten-free world!
Oh yes, who thought relationships were complicated per se, just mix in different languages and cultures and it gets REALLY exciting! But I wouldn't want it any other way! :-)
Be prepared for a miscellaneous collection of tips, topics and trends bursting of joyful self indulgence, a hint of hobby psychology, a good amount of multi cultural anecdotes and a lot of love for life from just another average Generation-X-pre-motherhood (tic toc!)-values-driven-philantrophic-career-oriented & "Leaning-In"-hyper-emotional-Food&Music-obsessed-modern-nomad-still-lost-between-wanting to become-a-rockstar-an-internet-startup-billionaire-OR-settling-with-5-kids-on-a-farm-WOMAN,WIFE & WANNABE! :-)
Nothing revolutionary but maybe a Potpourri, worthwhile.
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